2011 : Have a piece of My Mind.

Another Shitty Year is about to end,
another ???? Year is about to begin.

For those who made me cry, with every painful tear ...
Fuck you BiG Time! I'm not gonna forgive & forget, Yup that's The way it's Gonna be.

For those who I cared about and they left me hanging...

For those who hated me.....
SCREW YOU, I Don't Care.

For Those who back stabbed me....
Wish you have the MOST PAINFUL Death, Soon, Very Soon.

For The two Faced people I met...
Keep Your Ugly 2 Faces Away from me.

BUT ...........

For Those That I Still Have and Love....
Don't ever change, I Love you, and I will always be the best (Friend/Wife/Sister/Cousin/Co-Worker) That I could be.
To Only my TRUE Friends.

Better not mess with me this Year ;|

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Little Red RidingHood: The Other Side Of The Story.

Elyoum Kan youm maz7ooom bel meetings wel arguments 3ala kil shay taqreeban regarding work. o kina 6ol el wakt en7awel nisma3 mn jamee3 el a6raf o enqarir el rquierments wel solutions. basically we were brain storming.
anyway, after the meeting I checked my What's app messeges and got this story, do you have to listen from all sides then make your judgements??

قصة ليلى والذيب على لسان حفيد الذيب
كان جدّي ذيب لطيف و طيّب و ما يحب ياكل اللحوم لذا قرر ان يكون نباتي
و كانت تعيش في الغابه فتاة شريره تسكن مع جدتها اسمها ليلى
كانت ليلى كل يوم تخرج الى الغابه و تقتلع الزهور و تدمر الحشائش اللي كان جدّي يقتات منها
و حاول جدّي كم مرّه ان يكلمها انها ما تعيد هالحركات هذي بس ليلى الشريره ما تسمع الكلام
فقرر جدّي ان يزور جدّه ليلى في بيتها و يقول لها عن أفعال ليلى
راح و طق الباب, فتحت الجدّه الباب و شافت جدّي الذيب
للأسف الجدّه اطلعت شريره بعد و يابت عصا و هجمت على جدّي المسكين بدون ما يقول لها أي كلمه
ولا يسوي لها شي,
فدافع عن نفسه!!! و دزها بعيد عنه
طاحت الجدّه و طق راسها بالسرير و ماتت جدّه ليلى المسكينه
جدّي الذيب تأثر وايد بموت الجدّه و قام يفكر في ليلى المسكينه شلون تعيش بدون جدّتها
فقام و خش الجدّه تحت السرير و لبس ملابسها و نام في فراشها
لكن ليلى الشريره لاحظت ان جدّتها متغيره !! و خشمها و اذنها كبار
فعرفت ان هذا جدّي الذيب و طلعت برّه البيت و قامت تنشر بالأشاعات
لين يومنا هذا و إهيا تقول ان جدّي ماكل جدّتها و بغى ياكلها بعد

This is so similar to "some" of the stories we hear during the meetings :P LOL

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Edward Maya - Stereo Love

I like.

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Be Happy Morning Message.

If you are in love: Get the Best of it and forget tha bad things. Enjoy it becuase nothing lasts Forever.

If you just Broke up: Never cry, remember that you were happy. Never stay alone, your friends are there.

If you are Single and Alone: Play, play and PLAY. no one can blame you. Enjoy every apportunity Never stop looking for FUN.

If you are Married: Keep your partner inside your soul and taste with him all the flavours of coffee just to enjoy sharing, even though it taste bitter.

Live Happy.

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Via What's app: المهبوله خلف ارضاء الحموله

إن رحتي لهم دايم قالوا نشبه
و إن قللتي الروحات قالوا قاطعه

إن دخلتي و إيدج فاضيه قالوا ما تستحي
وإن جبتي معاج شي قالوا البيت مليان

إن تكلمتي بالمجالس قالوا قرقه و تتميلح
وإن سكتي قالوا ما تعرف تتكلم و اكمخه

إن كشختي قالوا مهايطه و خسّرت ولدنا
وإن تبهذلتي و صرتي بسيطه قالوا فشلتنا ما تعرف تلبس

إن فزعتي لهم بالعزايم قالوا تتميلح و امسويه روحها سنعه
وإن تركتيهم بدون فزعه قالوا ما تستحي جنها غريبه تجي تاكل و تطلع

أن وديتي عيالج قالوا تبي الفكه تخليهم يحوسون في بيتنا
وإذا ما وديتيهم قالوا تعلمهم من الحين عالقطاعه

إن علمتيهم بأخبارج و أخبار أهلج قالوا خراره
وإن سكتي قالوا جحود تجي تاخذ الأخبار و تطلع

إن زعلوا على مرت حماج رفعوج و طيروج بالسما عشان يقهرونها
وإذا رضوا عليها سقطوج على جنب هذا اذا ما اقلبوا عليج

إن حضرتي كل عزايمهم قالوا مشفوحه ما اتفوّت شي
وإن تعذرتي قالوا لو أهلها وجبتهم و يت

إن صار لسانج زين معاهم قالوا لسان بس
وإن صرتي سلام و عليكم السلام قالوا رسميه و حاطه حدود و ما عندها اسلوب

غلطه وحده تنسف تاريخج كله

تدخلين فجأه تلقين الخشش معفوسه و انتي يا غافلين لكم الله.

I didn't get the last one really :P

Picture: What ever you do it will be gone with the air, so just be yourself.

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Sephora collaberating with Hello Kitty.

Sephora is Collaberating with My all time favorite Character the Lovely Cute Hello Kitty,
the collection will be out in the states by the end of this month.
It has all the cuteness in the world and the colors are all soft and girly, unlike the previously released M.A.C hello kitty collection posted  here

check the rest of the pictures Kitty lovers.

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The Fashionista of all Times.

And She is always Up to date <3

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Ruby Likes: Maxim Coffee Sticks.

the most revolutionary way of making coffee, directly from a stick.  The Cappuccino Coffee Stick is a spoon laden with your favorite coffee-fix that dissolves deliciously into a steaming cup of water. Tear away the plastic wrap, dip the instant spoon and a few good swirls later, a piping hot cup of coffee is ready for your consideration

recieved via email.

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قوم إروي يا راوي .. قصه بلدنا.. أم سراي الضاوي .. حبنا و سعدنا

7aawalt a7a9el wa7da mafeeha ay shay mn el seyasa ,, bs atwaqqa3 hal shay 9ar mafrooth 3alaina o ma minna mafar .. 7atta eb thekrayat'na ...

a7ibich ya deerty.

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GooD Day Kuwait.

Via all my Social Networks:

اليوم غير .. صباح الخير
أحلى صباح بالدنيا .. صباح الموج الأزرق
صباح فرحه الفوز على شفايف كل كويتي
صباح البسمه اللي عساها ما تفارق حناينكم
صباح الوناسه والفرحه
صباح الكويت أحلى صباح

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Via What's app : Shakespeare.

If you want to be happy with a man, Love him Less and Understand him More.
And if you want to be happy with a woman, Love her More and Never try to Understand Her !
- Shakespeare.

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Loyat Lanvin for H&M, My Point of view.

This has been the trending topic of Kuwait for the whole week.
about me, I really kept an eye on the event and the crowds reaction from behind the screen.

through those guys.

iLSuL6ana :




And Best for last Goes for my twitter sweet friend April_q8 who had her share in this Trending event/topic.


And What I think about the Whole Thing is :

1st Thing that came into my mind. laish el designers sawaw hal shay? .. it's been like Habba in the High streets for top designers to desing a line for a normal "budget friendly" store. why?

I read that it was becuase they loved for all people to have pieces of their work. and not to make some certain low society level people feel different and (feel sad/bad/ left out) or whatever... which is a great reason and a nobel cause for everywhere in the world . but not for kuwait.

That's why .. ana waaaaayed estaghrabt inaa lanvin for H&M Hitted Kuwait!

2nd, elooya ele 9araat 3al ma7al... mn el 9ib7... madree wallah feeh many reasons ,, kl wa7ed yamshe 3ala hawaa... o mazaja. bs 9a3ba taqne3ooni ena it was for this certain dress lazim ashteree !! wela hal shoe 3ajeeeb LAZIM a7a9la... ?? ako mn kil shay shefta ashya' wayed nafs'ha o muqareba laha eb wayd ma7alat. SO....  No! .. it wasn't for the products themselves!

laish ana wayd miqtan3a ebhal shay ... beside enaa in london o dubai 9arat nafs el looya.. o galaw bl posts ,, haa shofaw ! 7atta uhma ! latgooloon e7naa mu shayfeen khair!

  there is no way we can compair ourselves to those who was there in London Line. they Think and live differently. hathool 9ij yemkin wa7da mnhm yekoon 7ilm 7ayat'ha ena ekon 3indaha dress wela shoe done by a designer. o qararat bel nehaya enha etdalli3 nafs'ha 3al aaakher o tan6er 3ind bab H&M for lanvin line. becuase she Can't afford it. even if she has the money. she also has priorities. they don't just go and buy becuase (ebkha6ree!)(refejaatee baraweehm/ba7erhm)(adale3 nafsee)(lazim ma akoon hailegeya o lazim ako eb my closet all desingers ele habeen fehm el nas) 3ashan she wanna fit in!!

ppl barra kuwait are usually practical and wise in spending their money.they only buy what they "need"! o ana atkallam 3an 3ammat el nas. not the celebrities.

bs e7na banat el kuwait celebrities o shayfeeen kil khair o shareeeen el latests lines mn all desigeners, el7imdelah  3aysheeen makleeen mistanseeen naymeeen ebkhair o 3iz ! alf el7imdellah, ezgerteyaat o 7elwaat o kl wa7da tgool el zood 3indy masha' allah. o 3ainaa matrooosa 3al aaakher.
 SO .. we don't need to get into such lines and fight over a dress or shoe ...

I Sure Talked to much! Peach All :*

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in a Mood for a R.E.M Song.

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Welcoming Back Working Days.

Hope You All Had A Relaxing Vacation, Been Refreshed. Look alive as everyone is around me.
Have a Wonderful day. Unless Your are dead Sleepy :P

PPL around me @ work are : Mostly Energetic working machiens, Bringing work and morning snakes for everyone around. few are sleepy and creepy looking :P.
I've been typing alot in FB, Twitter and now this Post. some are really wondering what am I doing.

I Love making ppl around me puzzeled and in wonder mood XD

Keep Up The Good Work Everyone!.

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Our Earth ...

I had a Dream ,, Like a Fantasy Dream since I was a Kid. I wanted to go Outta space to see earth from a far distance, like set on the moon and gaze as our earth to see the greens and blues and the lovely clouds.  like what I saw on cartoons. 

Thank you scientists for studying around the clock, making our life easy, and discovering technologies, devices, rocket science and satellite  ,,,,, those satellite made a huge differences to our lives .. I'm not going through any one of them ,,,,

The 3 pictures shows how earth really looks like now, from the view I've always dreamed of.. with all the satellites used and not used anymore. the trash is taking over earth. on, over and all around,
thank you scientists.

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كل عيد أضحى و انتوا بخير

Happy Eid y'all and enjoy your Vacation PPL

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Weekly Face expressions - Sat. to Fri.


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Meet The New Girls Habba, Silly Bandz.

This is what have been going on and around kuwait schools, private and public ones, Silly Bandz is the new Girls, teenagers and early 20's girls habba.(( Yes I set the ages myself XD ))
Silly Bandz are Classified in the web as ( The Hottest toy of the Year! ) ..

Though the lovely SJP is wearing 'em too. I think They Look Cool on school girls ( KG to Uni.)
Budget friendly, Funky colorful trend, That can be found in many many shapes and even movie themed as disney toy story 3, Tinkerbell or Cars.

enjoy 'em.

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GROSS CupCake.

Now This is the Ugliest cupcake I've ever seen, (stuffed turkey cupcake that is specially made for vegetarians to enjoy thanks giving without eating meat)  X( .  Not Only it Look Gross, it doesn't send a correct message of vegetarians. as why would one enjoy a turkey cupcake becuase he/she cannot eat the real meat! it's the Concept that matters not the material. X( #fail #fail and one more #Fail.

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Via BBM : نظام حريم الكويت بعد العوده من حفل زفاف

 منو هاذي اللي لابسه اسود ابذهبي؟؟
حلو القهوه اللي قدموه مو ذاك الزود
حتى العصير ما وصلنا ! اتصدقين؟ يا مال الفقر
من بنته اللي لابسه ابيض امفصخه؟ لوّعت جبودنا و إهيا ترقص على كل اغنية
أمل ما رقصت ! شكلها حامل
حصة ما ترززت عند الكوشه ! شكلها انخطبت
أم المعرس كاشخه! لابسه كعب عشتوا
شفتي مها؟ ترا بدلتها هذي لابستها كذا مرة .. امعلقه عليها
شفتي المعرس إهبببل احلى من العروس مليون مرّه .. حرام ما يستاهلها
واي اتصدقون هالدي جي ... شخباري! منو يحط هالأغاني الحين

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The Year You Were Born.

Take your time and figure the amazing fact and life style that was there the year you were born.
at 1st, I thought it's just another Facts site that would tell me who lived and died and what was there on top charts ect ect.. well, all those info are there but telled in a very unique way that makes you really LIVE the year you were born through several years ahead.

Click Here and check what happend the year you were born.

you won't regret it, I promise :)

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M.A.C Villains Limited Edition Lines.


 Cruella De Vil of 101 Dalmatians. Animated by Disney in 1961. A Dalmatian dominatrix. Famed for her cheekbones, dramatic entrances and trails of absinthe-coloured smoke.

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Excited about his Birthday Gift

Yestahal All Nintendo Products 3ala hal Reaction

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The Golden Pearl

 On the island of Palawan in southwestern Philippines, the only living person in the world, who revealed the secret production of a rare form of jewelry and gold pearls. Go to the fragile natural pearls are treated like royal jewelry. Each oyster takes 5 years to produce one such gem, and the slightest jolt could kill it.

The following pictures guide you through the production process of this rare golden pearl.

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The Following post contains about 40 pictures of Anime bento meal boxes.

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Winter Habba - Wool Jewelz!

Cute wool Jewels - I wonder if this Habba will reach K-town this winter.
check 'em out! :)

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"Who" Tall Are You? ;)

Check the chart above to see who tall are you?

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understanding or memorizing ?

understanding or memorizing ?
Answer here

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Check the video, picture shots of the filming, and "shay ma shiftooh" video clips in this blog ..
it's fun, check it out guys .. it is the best adv. of the year :P I'll say.

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Ruby Likes : M·A·C Senior Artist Faves: Mariko T.

"Kawaii" look <3 is one of my favorite make up looks, enhance your face features and never hide ur true u behind heavy clown make up looks. 

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Ruby Likes, and Really Wants .. GaGa LipGlass

I didn't really had a chance to get the viva glams lipsticks , and I really hope I can get my hands on the Lipglasses , I love those 2 shades alot ! XD not to mention how much I Love GAGA :P

I don't have a clue about when those glosses gonna be out here at M.A.C Kuwait, but they usually comes in after a couple of months from being released in the states. with ofcourse 1 piece for each M.A.C branch :''(

I've posted about the Lipsticks when they were about to be released check it out

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Perfume wholesale in kuwait ? ?

مكانه للي يبي يروحله

الدائري الخامس تاخذ إشارة الجسر الي عند الأفنيوز يسار وبعدين

أول لفه يمين وبعدين اييك تقاطع تاخذه يسار

وبعدين أول لفه يمين يصير على يسارك ..

مكتوب عليه لوحه ” معرض البدور للعطورات “

I'm seeing in the picture, ( Dior for ever and ever ) limited ed. and one of my very favorite perfumes!
anyway I have a doubt that those perfumes are the Real Deal. :/

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Barbie body parts accessories.

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Ruby LooL!! , either you give him money or ..?

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On 27 Aug,2010 you will see what looks like two moons

27th Aug the Whole World is waiting for………….

Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will cultivate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles off earth. Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am. It will look like the earth has 2 moons.
The next time Mars may come this close is in year 2287.
Share this with your friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again.

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Lucky Day! I wanted my Locker to be Lockable.

Tinkerbell in my hands!

At my work, this is my 2nd time moving from cubical to another. Not every time I was able to have a lockable private place to store my private things and keep them save from thieves :P.


My new place has a locker, but the key wasn't found. The previous owner of my place (the girl that kept the place neat and clean, my twitter followers know what I'm talking about). Said that she didn't find the key when she looked for it (because we moved to a previously used building and the keys of the offices and lockers where all over the place).

It was prayer time, and we girls pray in turns in an empty small room, that has an old office and a couple of cabins. After I finished praying I felt like checking out this old office, like "I wonder what's inside the drawers :P ? .. just curious ..

AND I FOUND THE KEYS TO MY LOCKER! .. The former cubical owner was like (What! I spend 3 years here with out the key! And you came and find it in your 2nd week here) it's my 2nd week in my new department and I Feel Lucky ;) I like those days when I feel lucky. 2 other workers got keys now too, because of my curiosity ;P .

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Life, My point of view. Make it Yours Too.

I read This Today, and Love to share it with you all ..

Life never leaves you empty,
It always replaces everything you lose.
If it asks you to drop something down, it's because it wants you to pick something greater.
Don't feel sad for losing anything.

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Accessories for men (leather bracelets, necklaces, messenger bags.. ect) .. Yes Or No ? why?

Accessories for men (leather bracelets, necklaces, messenger bags.. ect) .. Yes Or No ? why?
Answer here

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A Couple of food experience that Went Bad.

SO, It's July ,, My vacation has already started and I have set some goals for myself to achieve during this vacation. due to a lovely free time and not have to wake up so early in the morning,,, that's the best part of my  vacation, because I Am SO Damn Tired ,, anyway ,, that's not what I wanted to talk about in this post.

Vacation = going out more often .. try out new places out there specially restaurants.
I had 2 bad experiences with not new,, but well known restaurants. I will not mention names. because I donno why I'm in a "BE NICE" mood and "Don't make any trouble" mood... which is usually not me.

Long Story short ... ONE : I found a piece of a frozen vegetable plastic bag in my veggie side dish. I didn't tell my companions about it ,,, I didn't say or do anything, I didn't eat my veggies. and just Continue my day as if nothing has happen ! ,,,,,, WHY RUBY WHY! .... oh yeah "BE NICE" mood.

TWO: another day ,,, another restaurant Lebanese this time,, and  when the waiter was moving things around to make room for the appetizers ... olive oil / vinegar  from the pickles plate spilled inside my Diet Coke glass !! Like EWW GROSS NOOO ... NEVER ! WHY!  was all yelling inside of me ,,, but what I did is ,,,
excuse me ... Can I have another order of diet coke! please.

For God Sake Ruby ,,oh yeah "Don't make any trouble" mood

This time my companion knew the reason for the 2nd order and went like ( common ! dala3 ) what I did is, move the oil / vinegar flavor coke to his side and say ( go ahead, you drink it! bel3afya!) ... ( That's Ruby n_n) ..

I Still have weeks of  off days to enjoy .. and I think I'm going on a Diet ;)

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Is This EEL For REAL ! A Millionz OMG!

P.S : El mu3aliqa Muz3ija !

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Wibble Wobble Walrus W, W, W.

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My New " I So Very Much Likey" Habba SonG .

Nickelback - Rock Star

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I've Been TaGGeD ! By The Sultani Crown.

This is my 1st Time in the World of Tag. or should I say the 1st time to respond to a tag ;)
Anyways, here Are the rules along with my answers.

- Who Tagged you?

I've been tagged By The sweet New Bride.

- Mention 6 secrets about You, that is not discoverable by people when they 1st meet you.

(1) You will never think for 1 second that I could be "mean" by any chance or that I can hurt anyone no matter what he/she did to me. while the truth is when you (hurt) me by word or action, I become destructive :P

(2) It will never cross your mind that I'm a funny person who is actually fun and cute to hang out with, cuz I hardly smile/talk/look to "new ppl" in my life :P

(3) My Favorite music is ( Rock music ). Metallica, Bon Jovi, and nickleback in my veins. ( I'm posting about nickleback later on, btw!)

(4) this is getting hard :P 6 are too much to reveal .

(5) I'd make a great Teacher! cuz I like everything to be Perfect! so my students will be PERFECT MINDED!

(6) I love sports car, I hate salon cars , either sport or 4x4. that's the way I drive.

- Tag 6 Bloggers you know. leave them comments to they know they're tagged.

Well, here is a thing .. yenfa3 yekoon number (7) ... I haven't told my "real life" friends about this blog, and I actually post about this when I opened the blog. So .. If you are reading this post, and you have a blog. YOU ARE TAGGED! Go ahead and do it :) and leave a link as a comment if you wish :)

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Ruby Likes: Educational Song By SpaceToon.

Well Done SpaceToon, This Song Brings the Kids in my family to a total silent mode! .. they pay attention, remember the words and ask about the story.

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Hi! Why do think that u r the happiest girl on the world :) ?

To accomplish my studies, get a decent job that I like and to have a family of my own and to own a small kingdom of my own, that is pretty much enough reasons for me to consider myself the happiest girl on the world :) not to mention el 9i77a wel3afya, el7imdellah.

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How Dolphins Catch Fish.

I recieved this video via email, It's about how dolphins catch fish, well planned! masha'allah. they aren't called smart for nothing.

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Thank you! n_n

Ask me anything

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What Kind of day will today be ? I wonder.

It's My Birthday :D !

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Today, Is One Boring Day! ...

So I Came to work @ 8:00 am .. as everyday ....

1st things 1st ... Work Emails.. *check* .. Personal Emails .. *check*

Had Coffee and Light Breakfast, ..... Tummy Full *Check*

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Ruby Likes: Anime Flats.

Love the designs, the colors combinations, the animes within. Just LOVE 'em!

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Judging & Assuming before Fully Listening.

This is a Joke with a huge message, Did ya ever get yourself  in  problems or mental emotional suffering (AKA Guilt feeling) outta quick judgments?

Small cute Incident:-

This morning I yelled @ my girl cuz she was closing her eyes all the time while I combing her hair. I yelled @ her (U R Tired cuz U refuse to Sleep Earlier Than 9:00!! ) .. She said ( I'm Not Tired ,,, I just don't want my hair to get in my eyes. I will open my eyes when ur done with it! ) ………
Me: ………..

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Police Car Shoe, Will you wear it girls?

Recieved this Police Car themed shoe via e-mail. Now thats how to make you feet stand out! in a custome party maybe :) ! ... I like wierd stuff.

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