The unBusiness Part Of My Business trip!

Last week, I went to Oman to participate in eGulf (conference, exhibition, award). which went pretty Great, and I don't wanna talk about it :p for privacy reasons.. BUT ..I'd love to share with ya all .. OMAN, The country that totally kept me speechless to how its high class country, how Muscat is Stunningly pretty, noticeably white hearted people, and simple. this country really proved to me that ( less is more) .. is wayyy tooo moorrreeee.

so ... let's start my simple review :P
P.S : all pics are taken by me via my BlackBerry Curve. (didn't take my camera! darn!)

the mountains ! we thought that when we have a free time ,, we can go see the mountains ! .. thing is ,,, while driving from the airport to the hotel, we saw mountains on our left side, then on our right side, then on both sides !! .. OMG stunning roads between the mountains! all are pretty lighted with green and purple! toke this shot when arrived at the hotel entrance !

this is Qa9r elbustaan hotel and resort! .. huge one, the EGulf events where held here, thats why we made our reservations at it, Blindly .. we knew nothing about it as a hotel, just thought that staying at the same hotel where the event is held will make our life easier! .. and it did!

The lobby, take your time looking up and around! how high class is this !!!
this is what we faced when the elevator opened to the 1st floor, where our rooms are located, also one of the restaurants are located here, also some other stuff i'm not saying what!:p ,,,
I need to clarify that the lobby is located at the 4th floor! rooms are divided to sea view rooms ( ground to 3rd floor), and mountain veiw rooms ( the rest of the floors).

I love such china pieces ! there is a different one between each 2 rooms. at the hallway ofcourse!

My Room! how cosy is this ! there are green rooms and blue rooms, I'm so happy mine is blue! my favorite color <3


The Bathroom ... Classy <3


Ok ... This is my room View! .. HEAVEN SENT! .. I loved the ground floor rooms for this stunning view. It has a balcony for sun bathing, and then a pool. LOVED IT. enjoyed it for a Week. ... I wanna go back! seriously! take me there !

The City, Muscat street lightings are all this Italian, Victorian, fairytale stories style street lights! I fell in love with the city mainly for those lights! .. and the mountains ofcourse. not to mention the people. <3


Muscat people were so kind they toke us in a city tour, which is one thing of many things they had planned for us in a generous hospitable program. this is what they called ( maktab el sultan) no one is allowed in, we're only allowed to shoot pics here! ( sorry for the so not perfect shut!)
This tree was near by maktab el sultan site, what is it ! I have no idea! It's so huge and wonderful looking tree! note the green and the flowers! Muscat is so stunningly pretty city!

after the city tour, they (muscat white hearted wonderful hospitable people) toke us to visit Souq Ma6ra7 ... pretty much like our embarikiya! I bought so many vintage stuff from here! like Indian style shawls, Iranian rug bookmark, mouse pads, bukhoor, 7alwaa and so on! chetheeh fanatik! I likey

In Muscat, there is one modern Mall called CityCenter, I bought a couple of make up pieces from Sephora, and found this nice gift in the bag! .. it's escada cuff. I loved it.

I have so many more things to say about this wonderful trip! I tried to make this post as short as possible, Thanks for baring with me :) and thanks for sharing me my lovely experience ;)
last but not least .....


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Share with me - Just Beautiful!

Got this via email, loved to share it with you all.

What makes me weak? My fears.

What makes me whole? My God.

What keeps me standing? My faith.

What makes me compassionate? My selflessness.

What makes me honest? My integrity.

What sustains my mind?
My quest for knowledge.

What teaches me all lessons? My mistakes.

What lift's my head high? My pride, not arrogance.

What if I can't go on? Not an option.

What makes me victorious? My courage to climb.

What makes me competent? My confidence .

What makes me sensual? My insatiable essence.

What makes me beautiful? My everything.

What makes me a woman? My heart .

Who says I need love? I do.

What empowers me? My God & Me.

Who am I?


Keep this going ladies.

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She Said, And I Likey .. Very Much Likey!

I'm selfish, Impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes.
I'm outta Control and, at times, hard to handle.
But if you can't handle me at my worst,
You sure as hell don't deserve me at my Best.
- Marilyn Monroe

You Go Girl!!! .. I know you already "went" but, .. again ,, You GO GIRLLLLL !!

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When Super Heros and villains are Emo's.

Every one has his own worries! .. LOL!

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Points Of View !

HaHa !! .. See What is your inner self among these point of views ! .. I choose mine! But! I'm not sharing ;) ... Yet I liked this picture because I think it included the whole world in it!

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The Best Short Story I have ever read !!

هكذا بدأت قصة الحب

للشاعر سلطان الرواد
كتبها عام 2001
وحازت على جائزة أفضل قصه قصيرة
على مستوى جامعات الخليج العربي
أترككم معها

فى قديم الزمانحيث لم يكن على الأرض بشر بعد
كانت الفضائل والرذائل , تطوف العالم معاً
وتشعر بالملل الشديد

ذات يوم وكحل لمشكلة الملل المستعصية
اقترح الإبداع لعبة
وأسماها الأستغماية
أو الغميمة

أحب الجميع الفكرة

والكل بدأ يصرخ : أريد أنا ان أبدأ .. أريد انا أن أبدأ

الجنون قال :- أنا من سيغمض عينيه ويبدأ
وأنتم عليكم مباشرة الأختفاء

ثم أنه اتكأ بمرفقيه على شجرة وبدأ
واحد , اثنين , ثلاثة

وبدأت الفضائل والرذائل بالأختباء

وجدت الرقه مكاناً لنفسها فوق القمر
وأخفت الخيانة نفسها في كومة زبالة
وذهب الولع بين الغيوم
ومضى الشوق الى باطن الأرض
الكذب قال بصوت عالٍ :- سأخفي نفسي تحت الحجارة
ثم توجه لقعر البحيرة

واستمر الجنون :- تسعة وسبعون , ثمانون , واحد وثمانون

خلال ذلك
أتمت كل الفضائل والرذائل تخفيها

ماعدا الحب

كعادته لم يكن صاحب قرار وبالتالي لم يقرر أ
ين يختفي
وهذا غير مفاجيء لأحد , فنحن نعلم كم هو صعب اخفاء الحب

تابع الجنون :- خمسة وتسعون , ستة وتسعون , سبعة وتسعون
وعندما وصل الجنون في تعداده الى :- المائة

قفز الحب وسط أجمة من الورد واختفى بداخلها

فتح الجنون عينيه وبدأ البحث صائحاً :- أنا آتٍ إليكم , أنا آتٍ إليكم

كان الكسل أول من أنكشف لأنه لم يبذل أي جهد في إخفاء نفسه
ثم ظهرت الرقّه المختفية في القمر
وبعدها خرج الكذب من قاع البحيرة مقطوع النفس
واشار الجنون على الشوق ان يرجع من باطن الأرض
الجنون وجدهم جميعاً واحداً بعد الآخر

ماعدا الحب
كاد يصاب بالأحباط واليأس في بحثه عن الحب
واقترب الحسد من الجنون , حين اقترب منه الحسد همس في أذن الجنون
قال :- الحب مختفاً بين شجيرة الورد

إلتقط الجنون شوكة خشبية أشبه بالرمح وبدأ في طعن شجيرة الورد بشكلطائش
ولم يتوقف الا عندما سمع صوت بكاء يمزق القلوب

ظهر الحب من تحت شجيرة الورد وهو يحجب عينيه بيديه والدم يقطر من بين أصابعه
صاح الجنون نادماً :- يا إلهي ماذا فعلت بيك ؟
لقد افقدتك بصرك
ماذا أفعل كي أصلح غلطتي بعد أن أفقدتك البصر ؟

أجابه الحب :- لن تستطيع إعادة النظر لي , لكن لازال هناك ما تستطيع فعله لأجلي
(كن دليلي
)وهذا ماحصل من يومها
يمضي الحب الأعمى يقوده الجنون

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Just Be Yourself! ... or NOT!

Midori no hibi (Midori Days!)

well. I need not say this sentence again , But ,, ( I LIKE ANIME !!! ) ...

Would like to talk about this (MIDORI DAYS!) AKA ( My Days with Midori!) .

He : Careless rebellion High school Student . technically lives alone. No friends, desperate for having a girlfriend!

She: Shay girl , mid school student, Loves him soooooo much! never said anything . only watch him from far! .. stands infront of his house to see him get in and leave! .. he never noticed her!

He : wakes up one morning, to find that his right hand is gone! and there is a Girl attached to him, instead of his right hand !!!!! freaked ! annoyed!! ..

She: LOVES THE NEW HER! she is attached to the love of her life!! totally different personality than the old her! ... declaring her love in each and every minute! taking care of him! cooks for him do his homework with him. tidy up his room! rubs his back in the shower :P .. she is Very happy ! Up in the sky happy !!!

He: very annoyed! always yelling her! always complaining from her being his hand! .. thinking that he cannot have a girlfriend with no usual right hand! .. he cannot play sports as he used to.. also he cannot fight everyone as he used to !! somehow he managed the (fight) part later on

She: Her real body is in a Coma. selective coma the dr. said! .... khoosh targee3a :P .. anyways .. finally she realize that , the opposite personality of her! and being with her love 24/7 .. isn't working when it comes to make him fall in love with her!! .. she is just a right hand in his eyes!! .. broken hearted! she decided to ... disappear! .. that is .. waking up from her Coma!

He: wakes up to find that his right hand is normal again !! very happy he jumps all over the house ... to finally feel a pain in his heart ..... he misses her!! ....

She: waking up from her coma. not knowing anything about her days as a right hand! ... decided to speak up her mind and tell her crush that she LOVE HIM!! and been watching him!

He is thinking about her ... standing in her favorite spot in the park ! .. she comes along to be surprised that he is right there !! ... blushing big time!! hardly confess her love to him! ... he accepts her ! and tell her that he was watching her as well!! ... knowing that she doesn't remember her days as his right hands.

bitter sweet ending ! they are a BF and GF so much in love! ... but .. they lost something! they had something special in the state of being attached to each other! . they are happy now! but .... still there is something missing !

13 episodes ... short and sweet! VERY FUNNY! ... khala9ta eb 2 days .. because I'm busy :P wela chan shefta eb 1 day ;/ .....

Hopes some of you see what I see in this story ! and most of you will think ! what is this !! 3adii !! ... I'll let it to your souls to decide !


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A Paper cut will Freak Me Out! ..

No Matter how STRONG and BARING I am .... I cannot take blood scenes ..
I saw this while surfing the net! ... SO FREAKED ME OUT ! .. I know Its Just MAKE UP!. and In MOVIES we see 100% better made make up than this one! ... just the idea of unzipping the FACE .... ..... ..... .....

Anyways ! I'm sharing what did this Lady use for her make up! in case anyone would like to imitate her In any Costume party :P

the EYES : ( M.A.C Products )

Loud Lash - Lashes #42- Khol Blooz BlackBlack Chromaline -Marine Ultra Chromaline - Basic Red Chromaline - Eyeliner Mixing Medium - Jewelmarine Glitter- Bang on Blue Eyeshadow - Deep Truth Eyeshadow - Nehru Eyeshadow - Moon’s Reflection Eyeshadow
The LIPS : ( M.A.C Products )

Prep + Prime Lip - Midnight Media Mattene - Rapturous Mattene

bs 3ad madree min wain yaybaaa el ZIPPER :P ~ shakla outta Jeans Pants ... et9arefaw intaw !

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KGO - Successful Work!

Kuwait Government Online Portal (
1 year of all the Success! o inshalah many many years to come!
I am really proud to be a team member of KGO. This project has certainly been a huge challenge for the team,yet we took it in our stride and we gained a lot of experience from it.
eb hal munasaba, I would like to share the Project manager email.
1st .. let me mention a humble statistics of KGO.
One year ago – 19-10-2008 – KGO was successfully launched with total 114
services divided into 22 eServices from 7 Agencies and 92 Information Services
from 17 Agencies. Today - 20-10-2009 – KGO has 396 services divided into 60
eServices from 10 Agencies and 336 Information Services from 35 Agencies.
now , part of the project manager email :
(I would like to take this opportunity to thank all team members and Managements (DUC/CAIT) for their continuous efforts and support. We look forward to achieving more goals in future.May God almighty the vision and ability to do our duty for the
advancement and prosperity of the State of Kuwait in the e-Government field.)

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Internet World , now and then!

Then : -

I was just 18 , moved to a new world by joining Kuniv. seen new people , know new thing! live a new life with an adventure everyday ! ... literally .. EVERYDAY!

As a computer science student, I was introduced to PC's and Internet pretty soon! like 1st month of me starting collage,, hatha etha mu 1st week!! ... back then, internet was SO NOT FAMOUS!
one of the older students , made me join her account and showed me all about it ,,, email . browsers and chat rooms! ... and when ever I mention this sentence ( I am 18 years old) , the only respond I get is ( WHAT ! THAT YOUNG AND U R INTERNETING!!!) (esh3arrefich bel net?) and in kuniv chat rooms I was always referred to ( the youngest user !!!!! )

I knew my BEST FRIEND through the net ! .... this sentence stuns anyone I tell. why ? really I don't know! , they become speechless , while I say ( yes! it's true!) and my friend say ( Yes! It's no joke!) .. but the silence and speechlessness continues ..... ;/

Computer science and internet became a part of me! ... I loved all the strange languages I'm learning and found myself doing loads of programs ( long and complicated) with out feeling any stress on my mind! .. then I knew that this is what I should do in my life!

also found myself registering in each and every site out there !! ... just wanna check it out ! to bad I don't keep records of them! .. I'd make a novel outta usernames and passwords !!! ...

and life goes on ...... till I see today :-

Yesterday's interview on Al-Watan TV ,, with those 2 hard working bloggers !! blushberry and p0ach !! (with a zero)!! and the younger Blogger ma 3araft esma!! :( ... shagoool !!! very dedicated ! can't find a more suitable word ! because in my opinion , to be successful in any aspect of your life ,, you have to dedicate yourself to it ! ... and of course ,, love doing it .

The interview caused me to recall my relation with the net world ... back then when I was just a teenager, until now !! grown up working woman and wife! .

Now I see , how not knowing internet is SO NOT FAMOUS! ... even a 4 year old can use a mouse :) and demand a laptop! :P .. and everyone knows that I met my best friend in internet and be So cool with it (7arakaaat!) :P .... and when I say I work in IT ! ,,, no one goes like ( what do u do ?????) .. bel3aks !! I hear ( eldenyaa kilhaaaa IT !!!!!????) ... that is So CooL :P .

what else can I say ...... IT IS SO COOOOL ! :P

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Why Happiness is a sad song!

Ruby-Glooom ,
An ordinary woman living in an extraordinary world.
welcome to my Blog!

Now this is something! That WILL and MIGHT Surprise Many I know!!!
Ruby makes a BLOG! ... ya3ni she will TALK !! SHE WILL SHARE A THOUGHT!

well, enough about that ,, previous note was meant to be for my friends who will know about this blog by accident! :)

Why, Happiness is a Sad Song! ..

Because life is nice! sweet! tender and giving! yes .. it's very giving! gives you exactly what you wish for ! ..... after kicking the hell outta your mind! shatters your heart and burn your soul!

Hopping for everyone to have a heart that can accept Life's Free Gifting.

.. it's an old saying.. No Pain , No gain! ,
So I'm not saying any new thing in here! it's well known!

Accept my humble Posts!
Thanks a million!

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