Via What's app : Shakespeare.

If you want to be happy with a man, Love him Less and Understand him More.
And if you want to be happy with a woman, Love her More and Never try to Understand Her !
- Shakespeare.

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Loyat Lanvin for H&M, My Point of view.

This has been the trending topic of Kuwait for the whole week.
about me, I really kept an eye on the event and the crowds reaction from behind the screen.

through those guys.

iLSuL6ana :




And Best for last Goes for my twitter sweet friend April_q8 who had her share in this Trending event/topic.


And What I think about the Whole Thing is :

1st Thing that came into my mind. laish el designers sawaw hal shay? .. it's been like Habba in the High streets for top designers to desing a line for a normal "budget friendly" store. why?

I read that it was becuase they loved for all people to have pieces of their work. and not to make some certain low society level people feel different and (feel sad/bad/ left out) or whatever... which is a great reason and a nobel cause for everywhere in the world . but not for kuwait.

That's why .. ana waaaaayed estaghrabt inaa lanvin for H&M Hitted Kuwait!

2nd, elooya ele 9araat 3al ma7al... mn el 9ib7... madree wallah feeh many reasons ,, kl wa7ed yamshe 3ala hawaa... o mazaja. bs 9a3ba taqne3ooni ena it was for this certain dress lazim ashteree !! wela hal shoe 3ajeeeb LAZIM a7a9la... ?? ako mn kil shay shefta ashya' wayed nafs'ha o muqareba laha eb wayd ma7alat. SO....  No! .. it wasn't for the products themselves!

laish ana wayd miqtan3a ebhal shay ... beside enaa in london o dubai 9arat nafs el looya.. o galaw bl posts ,, haa shofaw ! 7atta uhma ! latgooloon e7naa mu shayfeen khair!

  there is no way we can compair ourselves to those who was there in London Line. they Think and live differently. hathool 9ij yemkin wa7da mnhm yekoon 7ilm 7ayat'ha ena ekon 3indaha dress wela shoe done by a designer. o qararat bel nehaya enha etdalli3 nafs'ha 3al aaakher o tan6er 3ind bab H&M for lanvin line. becuase she Can't afford it. even if she has the money. she also has priorities. they don't just go and buy becuase (ebkha6ree!)(refejaatee baraweehm/ba7erhm)(adale3 nafsee)(lazim ma akoon hailegeya o lazim ako eb my closet all desingers ele habeen fehm el nas) 3ashan she wanna fit in!!

ppl barra kuwait are usually practical and wise in spending their money.they only buy what they "need"! o ana atkallam 3an 3ammat el nas. not the celebrities.

bs e7na banat el kuwait celebrities o shayfeeen kil khair o shareeeen el latests lines mn all desigeners, el7imdelah  3aysheeen makleeen mistanseeen naymeeen ebkhair o 3iz ! alf el7imdellah, ezgerteyaat o 7elwaat o kl wa7da tgool el zood 3indy masha' allah. o 3ainaa matrooosa 3al aaakher.
 SO .. we don't need to get into such lines and fight over a dress or shoe ...

I Sure Talked to much! Peach All :*

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in a Mood for a R.E.M Song.

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Welcoming Back Working Days.

Hope You All Had A Relaxing Vacation, Been Refreshed. Look alive as everyone is around me.
Have a Wonderful day. Unless Your are dead Sleepy :P

PPL around me @ work are : Mostly Energetic working machiens, Bringing work and morning snakes for everyone around. few are sleepy and creepy looking :P.
I've been typing alot in FB, Twitter and now this Post. some are really wondering what am I doing.

I Love making ppl around me puzzeled and in wonder mood XD

Keep Up The Good Work Everyone!.

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Our Earth ...

I had a Dream ,, Like a Fantasy Dream since I was a Kid. I wanted to go Outta space to see earth from a far distance, like set on the moon and gaze as our earth to see the greens and blues and the lovely clouds.  like what I saw on cartoons. 

Thank you scientists for studying around the clock, making our life easy, and discovering technologies, devices, rocket science and satellite  ,,,,, those satellite made a huge differences to our lives .. I'm not going through any one of them ,,,,

The 3 pictures shows how earth really looks like now, from the view I've always dreamed of.. with all the satellites used and not used anymore. the trash is taking over earth. on, over and all around,
thank you scientists.

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كل عيد أضحى و انتوا بخير

Happy Eid y'all and enjoy your Vacation PPL

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Weekly Face expressions - Sat. to Fri.


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